Davenport, IA 52802 (563) 424-3676

Tips From an Expert Tree Service Provider

Winter Tree Care Tips for Homeowners

Your trees may suffer during winter due to the sun scalding, dehydration, snow, and ice. Your trees may not bloom as they should in the spring if you don’t give them the correct winter care, but they also risk becoming unwell and dying.

An expert tree service has put together some winter tree care advice for homeowners to help you avoid this.

Winter Tree Care Tips

Many homeowners get away with neglecting their trees’ winter maintenance. The following advice, however, will safeguard your trees during this challenging season and help them live long healthy lives.

Prune Your Trees

Winter is the ideal season to prune your trees because, at this time, they enter a dormant state. Young trees need to be pruned regularly to establish a healthy structure and to help them guard against problems like limb failure in the future.

Add a Layer of Mulch

Your trees will retain more heat and moisture if you add a layer of mulch to their base. We advise combining leaf matter with organic stuff, such as wood chips.

Make sure the mulch layer is a few inches from the base of the trunk, and add a three to a five-inch layer of mulch over the soil. This is because adding mulch at the base of the trunk may result in excess moisture, resulting in decay. Extend the layer to form a circle at least two feet in diameter around the tree.

Keep Watering the Trees

Water young trees once a week or once every two weeks, using roughly 10-15 gallons per application. In addition to promoting their growth, doing so will significantly hasten their recovery from the strain of a transplant.

Water mature trees once a month using 10-15 gallons per inch of trunk diameter measured 4.5 feet off the ground. For instance, a tree with a five-inch diameter would require at least 50 gallons of water.

If you need a tree service in Davenport, IA, contact Bieniek Tree Service for the job. Contact our tree experts at (563) 424-3676 now!

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